Health & Wellbeing

BSL strive to have a safe workplace and living spaces – if you have any immediate concerns please contact your lodge manager, contact offers, manager or even Staff Services

Incident & Hazard Reporting

If you have an incident or accident or identify a hazard, please inform your supervisor or manager immediately so that we can ensure the correct procedures are followed.
There are a series of actions that need to be completed so that we can make the place safe again and so that we comply with health and safety legislations along side with company policies & procedures.

Buller Ski Lifts have 12 trained Health & Safety Representatives (HSR) across all departments that work with the OH&S Committee, please make sure to raise any concerns to these members.

There are a few simple things to remember:

  • Remedy the situation, if it is possible to do so without danger to yourself or others
  • Notify your Health & Safety Representative (OHS HSR), supervisor or manager at the earliest convenience, if not straight away. There are some forms and reports to complete, ensure to complete these prior to clocking off from your shift
  • Where required, notify Ski Patrol (03 5777 7808) and they will co-ordinate a response
  • Incident & hazard reporting app information to come
2022 BSL Health & Safety Representatives

Mental Health & Contact Officers

Getting your head right is just as important as keeping your body healthy. In fact, your mental health often affects you physically. Take care of yourself, mind, body and soul this winter.

  • Understand that drinking and/or taking drugs may depress your mood
  • Balance partying with sleep (so that you wake up refreshed)
  • Balance work with relaxation and exercise
  • Make time to enjoy things that aren’t related to work or the snow
  • Identify someone that you can go to for support: a trustworthy friend, a workmate, a contact officer etc.
  • Check in with your friends throughout the season

If you have a mental illness, OR you suspect someone you know may have a mental illness, OR for any reason you need support OR if you’re not coping and you want to talk, there are lots of resources:

*Throughout the season there can be some times where the weather isn’t all sunshine & sunsets, sometimes it can be white, cold and gloomy – make sure to check in with each other and reach out for help if you need!

2022 BSL Contact Officers

Nutrition & Fitness

Living and Working in the snow can be the most fun you will ever have; unless you are sick, injured or unfit to do your job. Do yourself a favour and take care of yourself by eating well and keeping up with some regular exercise.

Take a hike up to the Summit, go see the Australian Sled Dogs near Corn Hill, go for a walk around the Village, join in for a gym class put on by Alpine High Performance Centre, jump on some trampolines at AirZone or set up a healthy step count competition within your accom!
There are plenty of online resources for stretching, yoga, indoor workouts etc.

On mountain resources

  • Alpine High Performance – located level 1 of Alpine Central (building with Post Office) they have weekly gym classes, gym facilities and physiotherapy


Good food is super important to staying healthy especially in such a cold climate! There are so many delicious food venues across the mountain, although it is also important to have some meat, carbs, fruit & veggies to keep the energy up to keep shredding and enjoy the time up here.
Tip: sharing cooking or meals with others is a good way to try new foods, save time & make it fun! Like exercise, there are plenty of good healthy meals online to try out

Personal Hygiene

This may not seem like something we should have to remind you about.. but people sometimes get slack over the course of the season and personal hygiene often takes a back seat.
Poor hygiene grosses out your roommates, co-workers and customers. Poor hygiene also increases your likelihood of getting sick!

Do yourself and your roommates a favour, take regular showers (with soap), use deodorant, and brush your teeth everyday!
Wash your hair, wash your clothes & uniform, bedding and towels regularly.. and don’t forget to put them away. *A little bi-varb in your shoes will do wonders for the smell of your well worn shoes & bedroom.

Especially after the last two years, we want to keep everyone as healthy as possible to ensure to wash and sanitise your hands regularly!